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Home Care After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dr Bill Kalis — Sunday September 08, 2024

Hi, Dr. Bill here from Padstow Dental.  Bit of information today on your home care after you’ve had your wisdom teeth out.

Swelling and Bruising

Some swelling and bruising are normal after surgery. Generally swelling takes about three days to reach its peak, after which it will slowly discolour with time and subside over about ten to fourteen days. Bruising can vary from some minor facial bruising to more extensive bruising that may extend to the lower eye lids or down the neck.

Ice packs will help in the first 24 hours. Sleeping with your head elevated will also help.


Occasionally some oozing may occur from third molar and extraction sites, which can be controlled with the use of pressure packs. We will provide you with mouth packs to take home, which should be placed over the wounds and pressure applied by biting firmly on the packs. Rest quietly with your head elevated.

Wound Care and Hygiene

It is essential that you maintain exceptional oral hygiene using a combination of chlorhexidine mouth rinses or salty mouth rinses , in addition to your regular tooth brushing. You should begin your mouthwashes and tooth brushing the day after surgery, aim to use at least 2-3 mouthwashes per day. While gentle tooth brushing around the wounds may cause minor bleeding, it is still vitally important to remove food debris and plaque from the area


You will need to maintain a diet of very soft food for at least the first three days after your surgery, eating foods of a “scrambled egg” consistency. Please note that is very important that you avoid hot foods within 24 hours of your surgery. You should be able to revert to your normal diet around 5-7 days after your operation.

Smoking, Vaping & Alcohol

Smoking, vaping, and alcohol can negatively affect the outcome of any surgical procedure, causing conditions such as inflammation of intraoral wounds and delayed healing. For these reasons, we strongly advise you to avoid smoking altogether for at least two weeks and alcohol for at least 3-5 days after your surgical procedure.

If you have any concerns, then contact Padstow Dental Centre as soon as possible and schedule an appointment.

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14 Howard Road, Padstow NSW
1 minute walk from Padstow Station
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Mon, Tues, Wed 9.00am – 5.30pm

Thu, Fri 8.30am – 5.00pm