Denture Stabilisation

At Padstow Dental Centre, we believe everyone deserves comfortable and secure dentures.

Our expert staff excels in minimally invasive denture stabilisation procedures, offering a cost-effective solution for improved chewing, speech, and self-confidence – all in a single day for most cases.

While wearing full dentures is a reality for some patients, having to contend with a denture that is loose and constantly moving around and out of position isn’t something you need to put up with. This is notoriously the case with lower full dentures as there is often very little gum and bone below to hold it in place. To help such patients we offer mini-implant denture stabilisation.

This innovative procedure uses 4 miniature implants which are approximately 1.8mm in diameter to help secure your denture in place. The 4 mini-implants are inserted in the front part of the lower jaw using keyhole surgery and little clips are embedded in the denture so that it clips into place and is held in position. It is still removable as normal.

This treatment is very popular with our older patients that are looking for a very economical and easy treatment to improve their denture comfort. It is suitable for many patients that are otherwise not candidates for traditional implants for health or financial reasons. The procedure is usually completed in a single 90-minute sitting under local anaesthetic.

Say goodbye to loose dentures and hello to proper chewing of food with our affordable implant procedures.

Benefits of Denture Stabilisation

  • Proper chewing of food for improved daily life
  • Enhanced speech and self-assurance without denture movement
  • Comfortable fit to prevent gum irritation and discomfort
  • Very economical and minimally invasive via keyhole surgery

Single-Day Procedure

Experience the convenience of comprehensive dental care under one roof at Padstow Dental Centre. Led by Dr. Bill Kalis, our team of experienced practitioners and skilled technicians — delivers top-quality care for denture stabilisation procedures.

Secure your dentures and enhance your quality of life at Padstow Dental Centre. Book your consultation and appointment today for personalised care and lasting results.

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14 Howard Road, Padstow NSW
1 minute walk from Padstow Station
Easy parking

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Practice Hours

Mon, Tues, Wed 9.00am – 5.30pm

Thu, Fri 8.30am – 5.00pm